Missing Webhooks

How to set up webhooks

Web hooks serve as a bridge between different applications, allowing real-time communication and data exchange. When web hooks are missing, the seamless flow of information between systems can be disrupted, leading to delays in updates, notifications, and other critical processes. This can hinder the efficiency of automated workflows and result in a less responsive digital environment.

Here are some self-help guides and videos on how to set up the Webhooks:

WooCommerce Integration:


Shopify Integration:


Other Platforms: Please contact support

Shopify Integration Step by Step

Step 1. Make sure you set the pixel on your Shopify store in True Roas
(see top left corner of app.trueroas.io).

Step 2. Generate and copy url in https://app.trueroas.io/integrations/webhooks

Step 3. Visit Admin > Settings > Notifications in Shopify.

Step 4. Press 'Create webhook'.

Step 5. Choose Event 'Order Creation' in the Event dropdown.

Step 6. Paste the URL you just copied in True Roas in to the 'URL' field.

Step 7. Choose 'Webhook API version' that has '(Latest)' attached to it. (Recommended) (optional)

Step 8. Press Save

Step 9. Repeat step 4-8 for the event 'Order update' as well to include all post-purchases.

Good job! You did, now you have 100% accurate Shopify data!

Notes The absence of web hooks can significantly impact the functionality and efficiency of digital systems, disrupting real-time communication, integration, and overall user experience. Recognizing the importance of web hooks in facilitating seamless data exchange and automation is crucial for maintaining a responsive and interconnected digital environment. Addressing missing web hooks requires a proactive approach, including comprehensive system audits, ongoing education for team members, and the utilization of automation tools.

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